Birvee - Our beloved microblog

by Birv Teknologi Sejahtera



Whatsyour current social media app?Arentyou tired of seeing the chaos caused by netizens today?If so, try Birvee!Birvee is the last form of microblogging, social media, and photo sharing app before the end of birdity (and maybe humanity).What is Birv?/bərv/ • verbsmol purple birb, a peak evolution of birds which survived Chicxulub impactor and CEO battles thanks to their invisibility."Im a pretty tough smol birv"The truly next evolution of birds. They can send your message to anyone who should receive it in a second, maybe. They are absolutely gorgeous, have lighter weight, faster speed, wider perception and more discreet "cirv" (not chirp).Follow us!Facebook: